Latest 1Z0-129 Test Report - 1Z0-129 PDF Guide

Latest 1Z0-129 Test Report - 1Z0-129 PDF Guide

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Oracle 1Z0-129 exam is designed to test the knowledge and skills of professionals who work with Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management (EPPM). Primavera P6 2021 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management certification exam is suitable for project managers, planners, schedulers, and other professionals who want to enhance their knowledge of the Primavera P6 EPPM software. 1Z0-129 exam covers topics such as project management, resource management, portfolio management, and risk management.

Oracle 1Z0-129 Exam is a valuable certification for professionals who work with Primavera P6 2021 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management. It is a challenging exam that requires a comprehensive understanding of project management concepts and hands-on experience with the software. Passing the exam and earning the OCS designation can help professionals advance their careers and demonstrate their expertise in this critical area of project management.

>> Latest 1Z0-129 Test Report <<

Oracle 1Z0-129 PDF Guide & 1Z0-129 Reliable Test Pattern

Have you been many years at your position but haven't got a promotion? Or are you a new comer in your company and eager to make yourself outstanding? Our 1Z0-129 exam materials can help you. After a few days' studying and practicing with our products you will easily pass the 1Z0-129 examination. God helps those who help themselves. If you choose our study materials, you will find God just by your side. The only thing you have to do is just to make your choice and study our 1Z0-129 Exam Questions. Isn't it very easy? So know more about our 1Z0-129 study guide right now!

Oracle Primavera P6 2021 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Sample Questions (Q122-Q127):

You are building a workflow; you are configuring an action leading to the "End" step. You cannot select the status of Approved.
Identify two actions that would resolve this error

  • A. Select status for the final action that is designated as terminal.
  • B. Change the status on the end step.
  • C. Redirect the final action to a different workflow step.
  • D. Designate Approved as a terminal status.
  • E. Add another action to the workflow.

Answer: B,D

Where are tolerances set in Primavera P6 EPPM?

  • A. in Portfolios
  • B. in Performance Status tab
  • C. in Global Preferences
  • D. in Performance Thresholds

Answer: D

Identify the true statement regarding user security profiles.

  • A. User security profiles are maintained in the client.
  • B. A user,s web security profile overrides global or project security profiles.
  • C. Only one global security profile can be assigned to each user.
  • D. Only one project security profile can be assigned to each user.

Answer: C

Identify three types of activity codes.

  • A. Project
  • B. Activity
  • C. EPS
  • D. WBS
  • E. Global
  • F. Resource

Answer: A,B,E

When can an assignee decline a task if an option is enabled for a step?

  • A. if there are multiple assignees on the step and the others have all already declined
  • B. if the assignee is the only assignee on the step and has the ability to add CC
  • C. if there are multiple assignees on the step who are yet to accept/decline the task
  • D. if the assignee is the only assignee on the step and has the ability to add assignees on the step

Answer: B


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